Friday, February 6


The mountains have an amazing cloudy swirl about them today. It's raining. I love the rain. Euphoria. And seeing the tops of the mountains poking out over the white haze is really amazing. Frankly, my life doesn't offer a whole lot to complain about and even if it did, I generally find these things amusing. Things take us new places. The asshole my son has for English is teaching him to value his work independently of what others think. The bully kids are teaching him to stand up for himself and to lead by example. A stressful call to another parent ends up building a better friendship. Life and all the crap that goes with it is GOOD. Real good.

And I've been feeling down trying to come up with something witty to say about things that suck. First off, I'm not witty. Second, I've a nice long list for sure, but really, the things on the list don't suck enough to warrant all the energy required to write a post. The best ones are things I like to suck. I'll write those up, because they make me happy... But my point is that I'm not going to stick to this "suck it" theme. If something comes up that's worth ripping on about (like that freaking gardener last week), I'll be sure to let you know, but otherwise... I'll just get back to enjoying the clouds, conversation, and observations here in this strange place.... or maybe it's just me.

p.s. happy birthday Mom!


  1. Good for you for saying it. My life's great too, and these days all there is to blog about is the weather and the wonderful little details you notice about daily life in a strange country. I like your blog just the way it is!

  2. I know what ya mean. Kinda hard to complain in MY shoes, that's for sure!

  3. Anonymous2:36 PM

    At times, it's nice to sit back and think about all the things you are grateful for. Like swirly clouds...

    Enjoy the weekend.

  4. Thanks for refusing to be a downer!

  5. Hey, Christine...

    I love your point of view - I need to adopt your outlook on life!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and becoming a follower - I really appreciate that... Have a wonderful weekend!

    :^) Anna

  6. Sometimes it is OK to just rest on the laurels... Especially when you are in Italy!

  7. Don't be afraid to be happy. the world needs it!
    Aloha PunkMom

  8. Keep it up, you're doing great. I loved the boobs post and the card shark! Sorry I didn't cave and grab the badge. But, you will notice I have my own theme this month, all sorts of Frugal Friendliness.

  9. Yeah I'm not feeling to warm and fuzzy these days either. If I started writing about the crapulence of my daughter's school I'd go postal on them the next day seeing it all writing! I love the rain, but I hate the darkness and I'm just trying to get through the winter...

    Your positive approach will serve you well!!

  10. First things first : Happy birthday to your mom !

    So you are still with this theme ! Hmm ! But i see its taken a new hue. I am glad that life indeed is turning out to be real GOOD !!

    Have thought up of something on your theme...will post soon. :)

  11. Isn't it nice not to have sucky things to write about? Sometimes when I'm feeling like everything sucks, I look at the guy in the next office, and I KNOW they do!! :)

  12. Now I have that song stuck in my head... "Boots! Start walking.." My husband is going to have a long day with me singing this one. :)

  13. I love your blog. I'm going to go back and read further! Thanks for visiting and commenting on mine.


...and you may ask yourself, did I get here?