This is the general structure of a triglyceride. Yea, we're chemists here and we like this freaky stuff. Scary looking bugger. All grabby with those long arms and itchy little double bond Os. (Now I KNOW you're starting to doubt that I'm a chemist).
Well, if you're up on your tryglycerides, then you know that
The National Cholesterol Education Program guidelines for triglycerides are:
Normal | Less than 150 mg/dL |
Borderline-high | 150 to 199 mg/dL |
High | 200 to 499 mg/dL |
Very high | 500 mg/dL or higher |
These are based on fasting plasma triglyceride levels. |
Of course.
My point? you ask...
Yeah... well, getting to that.
Here's the First Thing. My hubby just found out that his level is 1200.
Normal | Less than 150 mg/dL |
Borderline-high | 150 to 199 mg/dL |
High | 200 to 499 mg/dL |
Very high | 500 mg/dL or higher |
Look back at that handy dandy table... normal levels, 150... huh?
No. I didn't mis-type that. It's TWELVE HUNDRED!
He's a freak of nature. Or a walking heart attack. We've got to take better care of hubby. No more Marlboro Man Sandwiches. I guess you have to actually be a cowboy to eat those regularly.
Second Thing...

Poor hubby. What is the world coming to!!! Now he can't even continue biking those 10 miles a day to keep his triglycerides in check.
Third Thing.
We get a call from our internet provider that our usage is exceptionally high this month. Well, we've been using it for a year and a half... nothing's new. So, what the...?
Turns out they have not billed us (in a year and a half) and we actually have a plan where we need to pay 2 euros/hour during the week. Weekends are free. That's why they've named it the FREE plan.
telephone guy: you've got the "Free" plan, right?
hubby: yea, that sounds right.
telephone guy: ok, well, that's 2 euros/hour.
Wait. What the ...?
So, later, hubby, distressed says... "oh, what's next... I'm dying, my bikes been stolen, we owe thousands of euros to the internet slime balls... what else is going to happen?!?!"
And this is where, I assuredly tell him, with my all american good sense,
That's three things. Nothing else bad is going to happen. These things come in threes, of course, as all we optimistic gomer smiling, good americans all know. You're done. Kaput. That's it. Finito! Not so bad, right?

Could be worse...
Could be raining...
Thanks for sharing !