Wednesday, May 19

present history

I wash myself with the warm morning sun
Herding the punks off to school
Through palace doors
Over marble floors
We do things like take out the trash
Well child check-ups
Shoe laces tied in double knots
Mop up milky cheerios
And shake the sand out of our shoes
Shuttered charm and markets
Sustain the modern buzz
of iPhones and pilates
Tempering it well with organic sustenance
Feeding that part of us that we didn't think we needed
Like the dust from backward small towns left behind
Italy doesn't give you that option
There's no leaving behind, no forgetting
And the whole of time stays with you


  1. Lovely ! Lovely. I have said this many times. You are making me think more of visiting Italy !

    you are Italys unofficial brand ambassador ! :)

  2. That's wonderful. Yes. Love it!

  3. Good God, I think I see marbel columns and a bright blue sky! Thanks for a great powen!


  4. yikes. that's "Poem". I really need to slow down...

  5. Like the dust from backward small towns left behind
    Italy doesn't give you that option
    There's no leaving behind, no forgetting
    And the whole of time stays with you

    Beautifully expressed. It says a lot.


...and you may ask yourself, did I get here?